Last weekend my parents came up for a visit and stayed at the local B&B. They jumped right in to Community life helping out with Saturday morning harvest and participating in our Michaelmas celebration. We lucked out with a gorgeous weekend, not quite the height of fall colors (although better than this past weekend, since a big wind storm just disrobed all the trees) and took advantage of it by hiking at Interstate and visiting Stillwater, a nearby city in Minnesota across the river. It was great for me to see them and I know they enjoyed meeting everyone and seeing what my life up here is like. Other fun things included a trip to the winery, Chateau St. Croix, in St. Croix Falls, a delicious 5-course meal Saturday night at their B&B, and picking apples and other veggies for my parents to enjoy back to WFB. Here are some photos to commemorate the weekend.
Julian, as the knight that slay the dragon
Mom trying to guard the dragon treasure against the attack of the villagers
Lilli, me and Hillary
Michaelmas is the feast of the Archangel Saint Michael. The day, September 29th, falls near the equinox and is associated with the beginning of autumn and the shortening of days. The Archangel Michael is seen as the protector against the dark of night and is the archangel honored for defeating Lucifer in the war in heaven. Our Michaelmas gathering was ce
lebrated with hymns, an impromptu play, and a game of Villagers vs. Dragons (think capture the flag, except the goal was to get the treasure from the dragons), followed by lunch at the community center.
Taking a break on the steps down to Osceola Falls
Dad harvesting potatoes
Pruning hot-house tomatoes
Mom finally got her apples
This was such a fun weekend! Gorgeous weather, delicious food, time with our daughter :)