Ascending road in Savalou, 12km from Logozohe |
Kyle and me on our maiden voyage to Minniki |
I am very lucky to have been placed in, what I think, is one of the most beautiful parts of Benin. Full of rolling hills and mountains, it provides lots of opportunities for outdoor adventure. We also have the most moderate climate – not as stickily humid as down south, and not as ungodly hot as up north. This is facilitated by the fact that we are one of the sole countries provided bikes – score! I’ve taken advantage of this by trying to get out and visit (by bike) the surrounding villages/towns as much as possible. A few of us volunteers also went for a last minute camp-out on top of one of the collines the other month (an experience that was only very slightly diminished by the fact that I was hit with a bout of explosive diarrhea right as we reached the top, props to Caitlin for having brought some Kleenex along). In this spirit, here are a few photos to commemorate the beauty of the Collines.
Picturesque break point |
Collines! |
Sunset on top of the colline outside Minniki during our camping trip |
Kyle trying to start a fire |
Zem, Caitlin's backpacking pooch |
We survived the night! |
Watch out for bear traps! |
Fellow EAer, Caitlin |
The descent |
Glad you were able to get away with some friends for a weekend of camping. Those bear traps look pretty dangerous :0 I hope they are pretty easy to see! Do you bring mosquito netting on your trips?? Maybe a little too much sharing on the trip up there!! So, everyone has a dog?? A relative of Mathilde?? with floppy ears?? Looking forward to more postings.